Every hosting provider will allow you to create one or more personalized email accounts. By setting up mail in cPanel, you can read and send emails on the web. This will be a good option if you don’t have access to your computer in which all your email accounts are configured in like Outlook.
In this blog, we have given instructions on how to set-up email accounts using cPanel and access your emails via Webmail.
Before being able to access any email account, it has to first be created. Most often this is done through cPanel. First off, you must log into your cPanel. Usually, the cPanel url follows the following structure:
www.websitename.ca/cpanel. In this example link, you have to replace ‘website name’ with the name of your website. For example, www.wisevu.com/cpanel will take you to Wisevu’s cPanel login page. Once you’re on your cPanel page, you have to enter your username and password. If you don’t know your login details, contact your hosting provider or your webmaster and they will provide you with the details.
Once you login, you need to create email accounts in the cPanel.
Below is a video that explains how to login and create email accounts in your cPanel along with other settings.
Webmail is a web-based email software that allows users to access their email through an internet browser like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. Webmail is the easiest way to access your email without requiring you to do any configurations on your device. Webmail is a well-built tool because it allows for sending and receiving emails from anywhere using any device – phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
All emails can be stored in the Webmail provider’s email server and it remains there until you delete it. There are also some open source Webmail clients like Thunderbird, Claws Mail, Evolution, Geary, and KMail. Webmail cannot be operated in the absence of an internet connection.
Below is a video which explains Webmail
Before we begin the process, you have to install Outlook on the device of your choice. We have curated some videos which show you how to install Microsoft Outlook on various devices.
After you’ve installed Outlook on the device of your choice, follow the steps in the below video to configure your email in Outlook.
The below video shows you how to quickly setup your email on IOS devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Macbook or iMac.
The below video shows you how to setup your email on any Android device such as the Google Pixel.
All the information provided above is straightforward and assists you in creating and using your email on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. If you have any questions, suggestions or doubts, please share them in the comments section below.
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