Ultimate Membership Pro Review – WordPress Membership Plugin

Even though WordPress is the top player in the web development market, they provide limited membership functionalities. Therefore, you need a third-party plugin to set up a fully-featured membership website. 

Ultimate Membership Pro is considered as one of the best membership plugins with multiple features and provides great value for WordPress users. For this reason, we have reviewed the features of the entire plugin in detail, so let’s dive in!

Ultimate Membership Pro

Ultimate Membership Pro is one of the multilevel membership plugins for WordPress. It is highly extendable and lightweight and lets you create almost any type of membership website. With Ultimate Membership Pro you can add multiple user profiles on your website and allow users to sign-up for the services you offer.

Features of Ultimate Membership Pro Plugin

Content restriction

  • Content like protect pages, posts, categories, URLs, content sections, menus, images, videos, and much more can be displayed or kept hidden based on the subscription levels of members
  • Content can be blocked based on keywords that appear in the URLs
  • Menu items can be hidden based on user levels
  • Any element or product like forms or topics from WooCommerce can be restricted
  • Content locker protection is available
  • Content can be redirected or replaced
  • Post and page content can be dripped at regular intervals based on the subscription plans

Forms, templates, and shortcodes

  • Multiple templates are available for registration, login, subscription plans, account pages, member lists, content locker, and email notifications
  • Unlimited custom fields like profile image, data picker, upload files, dropdown, multi-select, checkbox, and radio boxes are available for register and profile forms
  • Conditional logic can be applied for custom register fields
  • Fields can be restricted based on levels
  • Shortcodes are available

Member profile and directories

  • Professional user accounts can be created with tabs for overview, profile, subscription, and transactions
  • Overview section for account pages can be created and set as custom content for individual users
  • Custom dashboard access can be provided to users
  • Quick access can be provided to stats for users, transactions, and levels within the dashboard
  • Membership users can be synchronized with all WordPress users

Social login and connect

  • Users of your website can log in with social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, VKontakte, and Tumblr
  • Social button layouts are available with CSS3 effects

Email marketing platforms

  • Email campaigns and registration can be managed with email marketing platform integrations like MailChimp, MailPoet, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, MyMail, iContact, GetResponse, and Mad Mimi
  • Doesn’t have the option to add users to one of the appropriate Mailchimp lists
  • Email notification templates can be customized
  • Double opt-in verification is available for emails
  • Can send out automated renewal reminder emails 1 month, 1 week and 1 day before the renewal date

Multiple payment gateways

  • Multiple billing options like one time, ongoing, limited, and trial period are available
  • Multiple payment integrations like PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, and 2CheckOut are available
  • Single or recurring payments (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly) can be accepted
  • Offline payments via bank transfer can be accepted
  • Trial periods can be set to either free or paid according to your requirements
  • Coupon code builder is available in which you can offer coupon codes/discounts in percentage or fixed price for subscription plans
  • Coupon availability date range can be set along with level abilities and coupon expiry dates
  • Doesn’t allow users to update the credit card details for recurring payments

Levels and subscriptions/strong>

  • Unlimited levels can be provided based on the subscription plans of users
  • Subscription page is available
  • Level access for users can be provided with multiple options like lifetime, limited, date range, regular period, etc.
  • Doesn’t have the option to give members only 1 membership at a time

User-friendly interface

  • Pages can be easily built with the help of WordPress page builder (Visual Composer, Divi Builder, Gutenberg, Elementor, Visual Composer) integration
  • Translation ready
  • Users can be added manually
  • Lists can be exported into CSV files

Membership content locker

  • Lockers can be created to lock content within a post or page
  • Inside lockers options are available with which you can add new lockers or manage the lockers you already created

Ultimate Membership Pro Plugin Information

  • Price:$49 with 6 months support and unlimited future updates
  • Number of downloads: 17,209
  • Ratings: 4.5 out of 535 reviews

Setting up Ultimate Membership Pro

Q and A for Ultimate Membership Pro

We have contacted UMPro and asked them some very important questions that would apply to many nonprofits and for profit membership sites, so here they are.

1. Can admin assign/delete levels of users manually from the backend?
Yes, admin can assign/delete levels of users manually.

2. Can admin specify fields that user should enter in the registration page?
Yes, admin can specify the fields.

3. Can admin select fields which users can enter in the member account page?
Yes, admin can select fields.

4. Can users be added to a specific MailChimp lists based on their membership levels?
No, users cannot be added to MailChimp lists based their levels. However, this can be customized.

5. Does admin have an option to pay on behalf of the user from his backend using credit/debit card with stripe?
No, this feature is not available and cannot be customized. As per Ultimate Membership Pro’s documentation, the user should subscribe from the account to make the recurring payment work.

6. Can users update their credit/debit cards on the website? As membership is recurring, users might want to update their card details if the card is going to expire or if they want to use another card.
No, this feature is not available. If a member wants to change their credit card, they have to cancel the existing membership and signup again using their new credit card.

7. Can users request a refund from their account?
No, user cannot request a refund from their account.

8. Does the admin have an option to process a refund from admin backend?
No, admin cannot refund from the backend. Instead, admin can process the refund from the Payment Gateway directly.

9. Can the user cancel their membership from their level of subscription?
Yes, members can cancel their subscription at any time.

10. Will the system send automated reminder emails for users whose subscription is going to expire?
Yes, the system will automatically send reminder emails.

11. Are there options to redirect a user to a specific thank you page that will depend on the payment method users select while registering?
No, you cannot redirect pages based on the payment method users select while registering.

12. Is it possible to display the profile completeness status in case we want to require members to answer certain questions in their member profile once they become members?
No, you cannot display the completeness status.

13. Is Stripe payment gateway integration possible?
Yes, you can integrate with Stripe.

Q and A for Ultimate Membership Pro Related to Our Project

We are using Ultimate Membership Pro for our client and came across certain queries.
Our client’s website has two levels which offer various functionalities to the users based on their levels. Level 1 membership is a one time fee of $20 with lifetime validity and Level 2 membership is a one time fee of $20 plus a recurring fee of $25 every year. According to our project requirements, we reached support and listed all the queries with answers below.

1. Can we set separate levels (level 1 for non-voting members and level 2 for voting members) for users on our website?
Yes, you can add two different levels on your website.

2. Can we offer level 1 membership with a one-time payment of $20 with lifetime validity?
Yes, you can.

3. Can we offer level 2 membership with a recurring payment of $25 per year?
Yes, you can.

4. If some users want to subscribe for level 2 directly, can they be charged $45 (i.e: $20 one time payment + $25 recurring payment every year)?

5. If some users upgrade from level 1 to level 2, can they be charged only the recurring payment of $25 per year?
Yes, you can create a new level for this scenario and show the level only for Level 1 users.

6. If some users upgrade from level 1 to level 2, can the level 1 membership be removed from the user?
No. They would be a level 1 and level 2 member.

7. If some users downgrade from level 2 to level 1 will their membership be removed from level 2 and added in level 1?

8. Is it possible to deny the level 1 active user from accessing level 1 subscription options in his/her account?
Yes, you can deny the level 1 active user from accessing level 1 subscription options.

9. Is it possible to deny the level 2 active user from accessing level 1 subscription options as well as level 2 subscription options in his/her account?
Yes, you can deny both level 1 and level 2 subscription access.

10. Can a member without levels, select either level 1 or level 2?

11. Is it possible to add the level 1 members in MailChimp’s level 1 list?
Yes, this feature can be achieved by customizing the plugin.

12. Is it possible to add the level 2 members in MailChimp’s level 2 list? Also, the member should be removed from the level 1 list.
Yes, this feature can be achieved by customizing the plugin.

13. If some user’s level 2 membership has expired, can he/she be added to a new level 2 expired list in MailChimp?
Yes, this feature can be achieved by customizing the plugin.

14. Is it possible to add two types of payment options (Stripe/credit card and bank transfer/cheque) on my website?
Yes, you can add both payments options.

15. Does the user have options to cancel their membership from level1 or level 2?
Yes, they have.

Winding up

Ultimate Membership Pro has a lot of customizable options and most of the features can be utilized via the menu/shortcodes. Additionally, the option of adding unlimited levels of subscribers to your website provides you with a lot of flexibility.

If the default features match with your requirements, you can rest assured that you are in good hands with UMPro. We have also written a blog about the top membership plugins you can use for NPO membership websites. If you like to know more, do read that post as well.

Did we miss anything about Ultimate Membership Pro plugin in our review? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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