Everything You Need To Know About Ongoing Wisevu SEO Services

Why is SEO an Ongoing Commitment?

Due to growing competition and evolving search engine algorithm updates, effective SEO is not a one-time endeavour. Instead, it’s an ongoing effort that involves R&D and data analysis to determine the most optimal organic SEO strategies and tactics. These strategies and tactics help clients compete effectively and efficiently against larger competitors with deep pockets.

Most business owners recognize that Organic SEO is one of the most effective marketing mediums, and many are already engaged in ongoing SEO efforts for their websites. Simply put, neglecting continuous optimization of your website’s SEO will result in declining search rankings, traffic, leads, and revenue. Meanwhile, competitors who focus on SEO will likely secure top-ranking positions. Additionally, the longer you delay investing in Organic SEO, the more challenging it becomes to surpass competitors who have been consistently investing in it.

Ranking in the Top 3 Search Results

At Wisevu, we don’t merely aim to rank clients on the first page. Instead, we primarily focus on selecting the most effective keywords to position our clients within the top 3 search results. These top 3 search results are where the majority of leads originate. Below, you’ll find a graph illustrating the average Click Through Rate (CTR) for various positions on the first page of Google’s Organic search results. (source).

Ranking in Top 3 Search Results

By not ranking in the top 3 search results, businesses miss out on 62% of potential leads, as indicated by industry data.

Ranking in the top three positions, a markedly different goal than just being on the first page, requires the expertise of an SEO company specialized in your unique niche.

Staying on Top of Search Engine Algorithm Updates

High-quality SEO agencies must consistently invest in R&D, process scaling, and digital PR network building. This investment is crucial to rank their clients above competitors.

Search engines frequently update their intricate algorithms that dictate website visibility. If you’ve delved into research on SEO algorithm updates, you might have encountered names such as Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, RankBrain, Fred, Core Web Vitals, Florida, Big Daddy, Jagger, Vince, Caffeine, Freshness Algorithm, Page Layout Algorithm, Venice, Payday, Mobilegeddon, and many others. These encompass ongoing quality updates on local search, content, engagement/ time on site, link spam, reviews, schema, featured snippets, page experience, and other regular core algorithm updates.

Originally, Google disclosed that they used 200 algorithmic ranking factors to determine the placement of websites in their organic search results. However, today, Google considers over 10,000 ranking factors!

Wisevu engineers specialize in understanding these advanced search algorithms and implementing the most effective strategies and tactics to outsmart our client’s competitors and rank them at the top of Google, Bing, YouTube and other niche search engines like DuckDuckGo, Reddit and even ChatGPT. 

Ethical Whitehat SEO

As SEO experts with over a decade of experience in technical search engine optimization, we adhere to ethical SEO Standards. Black-hat SEO tactics and even grey-hat can damage clients’ websites and often do more harm than good. Our SEO engineers are committed to employing methods that safeguard client assets from both algorithmic and manual SEO penalties, ensuring long-term SEO dominance while avoiding website demotions or even permanent removal from search results.

Wisevu Trade Secrets & Competitive Advantage

Below, we outline some of the key SEO services we offer to our valued clients on an ongoing basis. This isn’t by any means an exhaustive list since Wisevu maintains highly guarded trade secrets developed over a decade of R&D that enable us to consistently rank clients’ websites at the top of search results for many years without penalties or drops in rankings. 

By keeping these tactics confidential, we remain competitive and provide our clients with exceptional value in a long-term competitive advantage.

Here are some of the SEO tactics Wisevu employs for our clients:

Monthly SEO Audits

Our in-depth monthly audits of SEO metrics pinpoint both on-page and off-page elements that need improvement. We ensure everything on the website functions optimally and promptly address any issues.

We follow a comprehensive list of steps when performing our monthly SEO audits. These steps include: 

  • Making sure the site’s content is up to date: We maintain content accuracy and relevance by focusing on enhancing top pages and optimizing or redirecting outdated content to regain high rankings.
  • Ensuring the site’s content is unique: For optimal rankings, we ensure that the content is unique, optimized, and credible. We clear of plagiarized or poorly rewritten material to maintain a strong content score. We also utilize our Content Editor to verify originality and monitor the evolution of the Content Score with the Rank Tracker.
  • Checking for duplicate content issues: To prevent search engine confusion, we eliminate duplicate or similar content across all our client’s sites. We utilize Google Search Console’s Indexing report to detect soft 404 errors. Manage duplicates effectively by deleting, repurposing, or applying noindex or canonical tags to control indexing and SEO attributes.
  • Checking for keyword cannibalization issues: Keyword cannibalization happens when two or more pages compete for the same target keyword. To avoid this, we review our client’s keyword map and merge or split clusters accordingly. We detect keyword cannibalization by utilizing a rank tracker. 
  • Creating a content plan for new keyword clusters: This involves reviewing the clusters, selecting relevant topics, and determining the content type, publishing timeline, and platform. We factor in seasonality, ensure timely preparation, and utilize the Content Idea Finder for topic generation.

Keyword Research and Content Optimization

Our seasoned SEO team consistently analyzes search engine rankings for various keywords and simultaneously scouts for new relevant terms. This forms the foundation for optimizing our clients’ SEO content

According to recent studies from Google, 30% of all keywords are new. Our continuous keyword research identifies “low-hanging fruit” keywords during our monthly audits, which many competitors overlook. This allows us to refine existing content and develop new pages, boosting rankings and drawing in more customers.

Here’s our foolproof keyword research and content optimization process to ensure that our client’s pages secure the top spot in search engine results.

  • Identifying content and keyword gaps: Identifying content gaps is crucial, as they indicate topics missing from your website. These gaps usually mirror keyword gaps, where competitors are targeting keywords you aren’t. Filling these gaps can boost your online performance and give you a competitive edge.
  • Remove irrelevant keywords from your keyword list: When refining your targeted keyword list, ensure it’s free of irrelevant search queries and terms misaligned with your business goals. 
  • Analyzing keyword search volume, difficulty, and search intent: After refining your keyword list, evaluate the remaining keywords’ relevance to your business goals. Assess their value based on search volume, difficulty, and intent. Search volume indicates monthly query frequency in a specific location. Keyword difficulty measures the challenge of ranking in the top 10 search results. Search intent clarifies the user’s purpose, aiding in content relevancy and expectation fulfillment.
  • Creating or updating a Keyword Map: We create keyword maps by categorizing keywords according to the topic and intent of relevant pages. We then group keywords by semantic similarity and search result patterns for efficiency. 
  • Identify target keywords (Main ‘Money’ Keywords): “Money” keywords are keywords that have a strong potential to drive leads, sales, and conversions. To determine money keywords, we will thoroughly analyze the keyword list and identify a target keyword for each cluster to focus our SEO efforts on it. 
  • Add or update keywords with target URLs for Rank Tracker: For convenience, we add keywords with target URLs and group them. We utilize a rank tracker for this process and consistently add or update the keyword list with the desired URL for each target query. 

Competitive Analysis

At Wisevu, we consistently analyze our clients’ competitors. This proactive approach allows us to stay informed of changes in the competitive landscape, enabling timely suggestions and adjustments to our clients’ websites.

Here’s our expert competitor analysis strategy, ensuring our clients’ pages surpass their rivals in search engine results through in-depth competitive insights and strategic positioning.

  • Identifying our client’s competitors: We identify direct, partial, and indirect competitors to comprehensively understand the competitive landscape, tailor our SEO strategies accordingly, and ensure our clients’ content uniquely stands out in their market.
  • Analyzing our client’s competitors’ top pages and their keywords: We perform competitive research to determine which of our client’s competitors have the most traffic-generating pages. 
  • Performing Review Mining: On top of the content of our client’s competitors, we also keep an eye on their reviews. We try to identify the reviewer’s pain points and strengths, which gives us important insight into how to refine our clients’ content and give them a competitive edge against their competitors. 

Benchmark Analysis

We continuously study industry leaders and benchmarks, such as large franchises and businesses in the same sector as our clients. These businesses might not directly compete with our clients due to geographic differences. Doing so lets us track industry trends from major global centers and promptly update our clients’ websites. This also positions us to advise clients on strategic decisions effectively.

Other Important SEO Strategies We Follow to Ensure Optimal Website Visibility and Ranking

Wisevu comprehends the nuances of ranking at the top of search results for specific keywords and the necessary investment and time. This expertise is invaluable when advising clients and directing their budget to the most appropriate niches and keyword verticals.

These key SEO tactics are part of our approach to guarantee maximum visibility and ranking for our client’s websites, ensure consistent traffic growth and user engagement, and generate high search engine performance and conversions. 

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Search engines evaluate the duration of user engagement with pages on your website. If they observe limited interaction and engagement, they may demote the website. Wisevu ensures all pages are optimized from both a UX/UI and SEO standpoint.
  • Speed Optimization: Page loading speed profoundly affects user experience. With the introduction of the Core Web Vitals algorithm update, which evaluates the responsiveness and speed at which page content loads across various devices and browsers, this aspect has become even more crucial for SEO. Our website speed optimization and technical web development services ensure that your web pages load swiftly on all devices. As search engine guidelines and algorithms evolve, especially concerning site speed and frameworks, Wisevu adapts to keep our clients current and competitive.
  • Blog Activities: Actions within your website’s blog section influence your search ranking and site authority. From posting articles to engaging with readers in the comments, these activities bolster your ranking efforts. Additionally, blogger outreach is a pivotal strategy that drives traffic and backlinks to your site, signalling to search engines the quality of your content. Other effective methods to drive traffic and secure quality inbound links include forum posting and guest blogging on online discussion platforms. We guide you in leveraging these opportunities to enhance your search engine ranking.
  • Mobile Optimization: Given the surge in mobile searches, ensuring your website is responsive across mobile devices is paramount for search engine ranking. With a plethora of monitor sizes and browsers, optimizing websites for responsive viewing has never been more crucial. Our web development experts design your web pages to be highly responsive and optimized for conversion across all prevalent monitor dimensions.
  • Google My Business (GMB) Optimization: GMB is continually evolving, with local algorithms frequently changing. Wisevu ensures that all local SEO is optimal and our clients’ profiles remain updated and 100% complete.
  • Link Error Optimization: As part of our monthly site architecture optimization and broken link analysis, we rectify any link-related issues, oversee existing ones, and replace misplaced or incorrect links. Additionally, we update and introduce new hypertext links, identifying and rectifying errors that might hinder search engines from crawling the pages effectively.
  • Site Architecture & Page Rank Sculpting: Robust site architecture is vital for achieving strong rankings. Wisevu ensures the internal linking structure is regularly updated, channelling Page Rank to the essential pages.
  • Server Monitoring, Configuration, and Optimization: Keeping servers updated and optimized for security purposes and SEO is crucial.
  • Disallowing negative links: A prevalent competitive tactic is negative link building, which involves creating harmful links to your website that can damage your rankings. Wisevu diligently monitors and disavows such detrimental links, ensuring your website and SEO remain robust.
  • Core Web Vitals Optimization: Core Web Vitals are algorithms that search engines, including Google, use to evaluate a website’s code and server performance. Wisevu’s web developers and SEO engineers ensure our clients’ websites continually adapt to the guidelines and requirements of Core Web Vitals.
  • Meta Tag Optimization: Optimizing meta titles, descriptions, image titles, and alt texts are pivotal SEO efforts that enhance your page ranking potential. Our SEO technicians conduct ongoing A/B testing to identify the most effective meta tags that rank well and boost Click Through Rates (CTR).
  • Structured Data Optimization: Structured data is code that informs search engines about a web page’s various sections and elements. We ensure that search engines comprehend your web pages effectively and leverage the structured data highlights that make your website distinctive.
  • Web Page/Product Review Tagging: We tag individual pages, products, and services with Review schema, allowing your pages to display star ratings in search results.
  • Sitemap Optimization: Your website’s sitemap.xml and robots.txt files guide Google in crawling and indexing your site. Our monthly SEO services ensure these files are updated with new pages and reflect changes in existing pages, ensuring accurate representation in search engine results.
  • Identify and Fix Crawl Errors: If search engines encounter issues crawling any pages or if pages aren’t rendering correctly, we address and rectify them.
  • Backend Code Optimization: We optimize CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and PHP for SEO. Clean code guarantees that sites load and display optimally and ensures search engines can crawl them without hindrances.
  • Monitor Website Downtime: We monitor server response codes and ensure that any issues with the server or website trigger immediate alerts to our development team, enabling timely responses.
  • Robots.txt File Optimization: Search engines scrutinize the Robots.txt file for primary instructions when crawling web pages. Wisevu employs tactics such as Page Sculpting, no-index, and other protocols to communicate accurately with search engines.
  • Backlinking: Leveraging our extensive webmaster network, we utilize Digital PR and Blogger Outreach to enhance the authority of your web pages, thereby improving rankings.
  • Reverse Engineer Competitor Backlinks: Wisevu continuously monitors competitors’ backlinks to pinpoint opportunities and to report any malicious competitors to Google.
  • Unlinked Mentions: We scour reputable online sources, including Wikipedia, for unlinked or broken mentions. Our goal is to secure mentions of our clients’ websites, leading to SEO enhancements.
  • Citation Building: Optimizing your profile on citation and directory listing websites, such as Yelp, Yellowpages, BBB, 411, Yext, and Local Maps, can enhance traffic and bolster your online reputation. Directory listings are platforms where your target audience views reviews about your business, offering an excellent opportunity to acquire new leads and strengthen SEO.
  • Reporting Spamming Competitors: Competitors often resort to spamming search engines and trying to manipulate their algorithms unfairly. Wisevu evaluates your competitors and reports any practices that contravene search engine guidelines.

Conversion Rates: Paid Ads vs Organic

Note: A conversion is considered either an online form submission or a phone call – these are called hard conversions (soft conversions like contact us page views, quote page views, asking for directions, newsletter subscriptions, social media likes, followers etc. are not considered. Only hard conversions are considered in the below dataset)

Client NameDental Client in OntarioPlastic Surgery Client in New YorkAutomotive Client
Cost Per Conversion from Google Ads$140.50 CAD$225 USD$18.59 CAD
Average Cost Per Click for the Client$10.29 CAD$14.30 CAD$4.79 CAD
Cost Per Conversion from Organic SEO$18.70 CAD$26 CAD$7.35
Google Ads vs. Organic SEO CostsThe client is paying 7.5 times more for Google Ads leads than for Organic SEO leads.The client is paying 9 times more for Google Ads leads than for Organic SEO leads.The client is paying 2.5 times more for Google Ads leads than for Organic SEO leads.

Furthermore, paid ad costs per click are increasing rapidly year over year.

You can see the cost per click for various keywords in 2020 vs 2023 below:

KeywordTop of page bid 2020Top of page bid 2023Increase
emergency dentist $14.48$ 25.0773%
dental clinic $ 8.15$ 24.71203%
dentist near me$ 20.78$ 34.1064%


Monthly SEO is vital for your business to continue reaping the benefits of organic SEO. At Wisevu, we provide turnkey search engine optimization solutions with our monthly SEO packages. When you invest in our ongoing monthly SEO services, we will work with you to provide everything your business needs to succeed online and acquire quality organic leads.

Client Testimonials

Below you can read out client reviews which speak for themselves:

“I have worked with Wisevu for over 10 years now and they have been amazing for my business. From the first website up until now they have always been very professional and fair in pricing. They are constantly changing with the times which I have benefited from. Their extensive knowledge of SEO and PPC has kept our business ranking # 1 for many years now. I have recommended them to friends and they have all thank me for this. Thank you Darko, Drazens and all the team at Wisevu.” Eric Fulgora

“After spending thousands of dollars with non-competent SEO companies I end up finding WISEVU. When I had my first meeting with WISEVU team right at that time my sixth sense told me that, this time I am dealing with legit business. I found WISEVU team is hard working, honest and compassionate. They delivered what they promised and there were no lame excuses. They take care of your business like it’s their own, and no matter what time of the day or night you called they are always there for you. WISEVU services made a great impact towards our business since we have started with them and our business is growing every coming day. Many thanks to WISEVU and its team.” Luqman Butter

“Worldclass. The team at WiseVu is always very responsive and competent, and they are capable of performing everything ranging from SEO & SEM to website design and development at the highest caliber around.” Karim Ghawi

Read our other genuine client reviews on Google: here and here.